How to Determine If New Technology is Right For Your Fleet 

Protecting your fleet has never been more affordable

The transportation industry is booming with new technology. It seems like there are new advancements each day, with new opportunities available. With all the choices, it can be overwhelming to determine which advancements are right for your company.  

Technology isn’t one size fits all. Not every product or service will work across the board. With today’s variety of technology selections available, having options is a good thing. Each company is unique. Though there will always be differences, companies can follow a few steps when considering the next technological advancement.  

It all starts with this: identifying a need.  

If you identify the need, this will allow you to answer these pivotal questions:  

  • What problem(s) will the new technology purchase solve?  
  • Will it replace something existing?  
  • Will it supplement something you already have?  
  • Will it integrate with existing systems?  

Besides identifying the need, it is also important to consider who will benefit from the new technology. How will it improve your organization or positively impact your bottom line? How will it impact your customers? How will it benefit your employees? Answering these questions will help make the decision easier as to whether technology makes sense for your company and provides a rapid return on your investment.  

Once you’ve identified the need, you must identify the impact the new technology may have. There is a laundry list to consider, including drivers, dispatchers, technicians, back-office staff and more. Knowing the possible ripple effect of the new technology will help you make your decision. Consulting with stakeholders within your organization is crucial. Soliciting their input will allow for a smooth integration and transition to using new tech or learning a new system.   

Training is also hugely important for onboarding a new product or system. The easiest part of adding new technology is buying it. The hardest part is implementing it effectively, so you have a complete business solution that positively impacts the organization. Anyone who interacts with the new technology will need to know how to use it properly. If you invest in technology for your company, setting your stakeholders up for success by requiring training is the key to making your investment worthwhile.  

When it comes to adopting and implementing new technology, there are no universal “right” or “wrong” answers. Having a plan and communicating with your team will help you get the most out of your new technology and decide which products and services are right for your organization.  

Protecting your fleet has never been more affordable